Welcome to my Rabbit Hole!!

Hello hello! My name is Minto and I was inspired to make my own website after becoming fixated upon trying to find pixel gifs for my ArtFight profile. I'll rant about a bunch of stuff, make reviews, and share some of my art?? I hope to meet new people from all this, learn some html, and have fun!!!! Hip hip hooray!
This website is stil super under construction so please bear with me. I'm still new to uh everything. If you're reading this, please consider adding my button to your own page, and leave a message in the guestbook so I can check out your website! You can find my button in the top left corner of this page, along with links to other websites I find cool and/or want to follow their progress.
I leave to study abroad in Germany in 17 days!


July 6, 2024

July 5, 2024

July 4, 2024

July 3, 2024

June 23, 2024

June 22, 2024

June 21, 2024